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West Virginia-American Water Faces Suit for Property Damage Caused by Water Leaks

West Virginia-American Water faces suit from three West Virginia residents whose homes have sustained considerable water damage due to complications with WVAW pipe and water line systems. Plaintiffs Amy Jarrell, Verna Gibson, and Ronald Gibson claim that the water leakages and flow from faulty pipes led to irreparable damages to their respective properties. The damages alleged are related to existing damages to the residences of the plaintiffs in this water leak lawsuit, but also, in relation to anticipated future losses as they relate to the distinct possibility that due to the slippage, one client’s home may no longer be structurally sound.

The plaintiffs allege that a waterline operated by the West Virginian American Water company, which runs underneath all three plaintiff’s residential properties, developed a leak sometime prior to May of 2014, resulting in noticeable slippage in front of the property owned by plaintiff Ronald and Verna Gibson. Moreover, erosion in each plaintiff’s properties stemming from the ongoing water leaks has caused exposure of surface drainage lines, with other damages to the properties of the plaintiffs ensuring as well. While WVAW responded to the complaints of the plaintiffs by repairing the damaged water lines, the outstanding damages to the plaintiff’s properties were not addressed by the WVAW, with even private remediation by the plaintiffs being practically impossible due to the instability of the location in light of the water leak and ensuing slippage.

Both Gibson and Jarrell claim that despite WVAW’s reparations of the pipeline, their residences are still severely damaged with significant structural integrity issues that not only threaten the market value of the residence, but also call into question the habitability of the residence due to the pipe leak. One plaintiff’s home is still at risk of slipping downhill. In addition to complaints of current physical damage, the plaintiffs also argue that any act of their own to fix the situation would be futile, as it would be incredibly hazardous to risk the use of any large or bulky equipment, such as a backhoe or excavator, to restore their properties due to the slippage. The plaintiffs are suing West Virginia-American Water, seeking reimbursement for the property damage due to the company’s water line leak. Representing the plaintiffs is attorney Christopher Heavens of Heavens Law Firm. Circuit Judge Louis Bloom of Kanawha Circuit Court will preside over the case.

