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Video Library

Firm Overview

The above video was prepared by Heavens Law Firm for our clients, Richard Lancaster and Frank Lancaster, in the case of Lancaster v. Chesapeake Appalachia, LLC et. al. After the presentation of this video to Chesapeake and its attorneys, the case was settled for a confidential amount.

1. Owen Miller – Dog / Animal Attacks

2. Bud/Rusty

3. Lancaster Settlement

4. Employment & Harassment West Virginia

5. Fire & Explosions Attorneys West Virginia

6. Insurance Litigation West Virginia

7. West Virginia Product Liability Lawyers

8. Truck Accident Lawyers in West Virginia

9. Car Accident Lawyers in West Virginia

10. West Virginia Personal Injury Lawyer

11. Workplace Accidents in West Virginia

12. What Distinguishes Us From Other West Virginia Law Firms

13. Holstein Video

14. Petrosky Accident Video

8 Questions Introduction

Will I get more money for my claim if I hire an attorney?

Will you provide me with a fair and reasonable settlement?

Why do I have to give you a recorded statement?

If I give a recorded statement, can I then get a recorded statement from your insured (the person who caused me harm)?

Why do I have to give you an unrestricted medical authirization before I can settle the claim?

Do I have to complete my medical treatment and fully recover before I can settle my claim?

Why hasn’t anyone told me about Uninsured Motorist (UM) or Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage?

If my health insurance pays my medical bills, what happens if I settle with you?
