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Talcum Powder Lawsuit

Most of us have used talcum powder at some point or another. Many of us use it on a regular basis. It doesn’t bring about any huge change in our quality of life, but it can make day-to-day living more comfortable. That’s why it may surprise you that this seemingly benign substance may carry some huge risks with it.

Risks to Babies

Talc is a mineral made up of oxygen, silicon, and magnesium. It’s commonly used in baby powder because the combination of these three elements helps to absorb moisture and decrease friction.

The problem is that, in its natural state, some talc has been found to contain asbestos. This substance is notorious for causing cancer when inhaled. For this reason, people have been warned about the risks talcum powder can pose to babies. While asbestos in talcum powder is no longer a realistic risk, the asbestos-free kind may still have a link to cancer.

Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer

More frequently, the risk associated with talcum powder has to do with ovarian cancer. Many women have sued manufacturers over claims that are regularly using the product in their genital areas eventually resulted in a diagnosis of ovarian cancer.

These allegations are not without credence of course. 20 studies have been done that link talcum powder to ovarian cancer going all the way back to 1971. In 2003, 16 of these studies were analyzed. The conclusion researchers arrived at was that females who use talcum powder were 33% more likely to eventually develop ovarian cancer.

Responsibility of Johnson & Johnson

Countless manufacturers make talcum powder or a product that contains it. However, Johnson & Johnson may be the largest. They come under particular attack from lawsuits, though, because many believe they knew about the risk of ovarian cancer associated with talcum powder since 1982, if not earlier.

Not only does the company get sued for producing a cancer-causing product, but damages are also being demanded their part in hiding this risk from consumers.

One important example of a successful case of this type occurred in 2013. A woman sued Johnson & Johnson because, after 30 years of using their talcum and baby powder products near her genitals, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Her suit also pointed out that Johnson & Johnson would have to have known their products were risky because of a study that took place in 1982. This study concluded that women using these products were 92% more at risk of developing ovarian cancer. Furthermore, the researchers from the study allegedly recommended to Johnson & Johnson that they label their powders with a warning letting the consumer know about the risks involved with using it. Johnson & Johnson declined to do so.

Filing Your Suit

If you believe you have developed ovarian cancer because of talcum powder made by Johnson & Johnson or some other manufacturer, you should speak to an attorney ASAP. Make sure you pick one with experience going after a huge corporation like this for a defective product. You can rest assured they will have all kinds of lawyers working for them.

With a successful lawsuit, you’ll receive the damages you need—and are entitled to—for treating your ovarian cancer, plus pain and suffering.
