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Mirena IUD Lawsuit

If you’re currently using Mirena IUD, it would be a good idea to speak to your doctor about its potential side effects, especially in the wake of so many former consumers suing Bayer Inc. over deceptive practices. Likewise, if you previously took this prescription medication, talk to a lawyer about your rights; you may be entitled to damages. Most importantly, you could be a victim and not even know it, meaning the perpetrator is still in need of justice.

Injuries Caused by Mirena IUD

Roughly 8.5% of women in America use a form of long-term contraception that is reversible. An IUD (intrauterine device) would be one example. This type of birth control is designed to keep a woman from getting pregnant for up to five years. For women who have a hard time remembering to take their oral contraceptive or otherwise would prefer not to, an IUD provides a convenient alternative. Once implanted, it releases hormones for up to five years that will keep pregnancy from occurring.

However, Mirena has come under fire because critics say that it is unreasonably dangerous and defective. Even worse is that many in the medical field believe that Bayer Inc. was well aware of the risks posed by Mirena and sold it any way, even going to great lengths to conceal the harm it could cause.

There are a number of injuries Mirena is being blamed for. Three of the most common examples are:

  • Device dislocation
  • Device expulsion
  • Vaginal hemorrhage

This form of birth control was approved by the FDA back in 2000. However, it’s been allowed in Europe since 1991. There have been well over 45,000 complaints reported associated with Mirena. Aside from those common mishaps listed above, there have been other injuries related to the implant as well.

The Problem with Mirena IUD’s Operation

The device itself is small and in the shape of a “T.” Made from a flexible plastic, Mirena releases a hormone known as levonorgesterel. This hormone is no stranger in oral contraceptives, but with Mirena it gets released continuously for years. Levonorgesterel thickens the uterus’ mucous lining which in turn makes it harder for sperm to survive. This is how Mirena reduces the chance of pregnancy.

However, the odd thing about this particular form of birth control is that even its maker, Bayer, admits it’s not entirely sure how the device works.

Serious Complications

As we mentioned above, Mirena IUD causes a number of different types of complications. While none of them should be taken lightly, some can be particularly serious. Ectopic pregnancy is one example. This is a pregnancy that happens outside of the uterus and can be life-threatening. The uterine wall can also be perforated or the woman can suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a very serious condition.

Lawsuits against Bayer

A number of women have already come forward, taking Bayer to court for the pain and suffering they have endured, the wages they lost and the money they needed to spend on medical treatments.

Back in 2013, Bayer tried to have the Supreme Court of New Jersey consolidate all their cases in that state, but that request was denied. Since then, dozens of federal lawsuits have accused Bayer of misleading the public with their marketing and otherwise keeping consumers in the dark about the possibility of dangerous side effects.

One specific claim is that Bayer played down the risk of any such side effects, despite the fact that the company knew they had already occurred in numerous women.

If you believe Mirena IUD has negatively affected you, speak with an attorney ASAP. With legal representation that has been to court against pharmaceutical companies before, you’ll stand a good chance of winning the damages you deserve.
