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West Virginia Boat Accidents

West Virginia is home to a wide range of different vehicles, boats being among them. Although commercial shipping does not play as large a role in the state as it does elsewhere, it is still present on the state’s waterways. Further, there are a number of West Virginia residents who enjoy taking their watercraft out on the state’s many waterways. Just as accidents happen on the road with cars, so too do accident happen on the water with boats. If you or someone you love has been injured in a boat accident in West Virginia, then you should get in touch with a boat accident attorney as soon as possible. Such an attorney, like the highly experienced ones employed by Heavens Law, will be able to ensure that your right rights are protected and that you receive the compensation for your injuries and damage to your property that you need.

The Complications of West Virginia Boat Accident Cases

While the rules of the road are well known to many, those that govern the waterways are not always clear. Depending upon the kind of vessel that was involved in the accident, the role of the person who was injured with respect to that vessel, as well as a range of other factors, can determine which laws and regulations apply in any given case.

In an accident that involves a recreational vessel, a thorough investigation of the circumstances that led to the accident will need to take place. Just as with land-based vehicles, there are a number of things that could be at fault. For example, a boats operator could be drunk or operating the boat recklessly in a way that conflicts with the rules of the waterway established by the Coast Guard. In still more cases, there may be a flaw in a boats design or in one of the products on the boat that leads to the accident. In order to get to the bottom of any boat case, the investigatory experience of a qualified West Virginia boat accident attorney is essential.

Of course, many in the state of West Virginia earn their livelihoods in the maritime industry. Their rights as workers are protected by something known as the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA), which is a federal law. If these workers are injured in the course of their work, then they are able to seek compensation for their injuries through this act. However, it is always advisable to consult with a lawyer to ensure that the claim is handled properly, as well as that any documents that a worker’s employer or that employer’s insurer provides do not deny them the right seek further compensation through other means.

These are just a few of the many complications that are involved with handling any boat accident case. In order to ensure that your case is handled the way that it should be, you should make sure that you share the facts and circumstances of it with a qualified boat accident attorney. The ones at Heavens Law have years of experience with these cases, and they can ensure that yours is taken care of.

Get In Touch With the Boat Accident Attorneys at Heavens Law Today

We’re here to ensure that your rights are fully protected following a boat accident, whether you’re a worker aboard a vessel or are simply a private resident enjoying some recreational fun. Give us a call at 1-800-HEAV-LAW for a free consultation, and we’ll discuss your case with you and determine the best way to navigate the complicated laws that surround all maritime cases.
